Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Relax in your personal space

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Your special corner

Create a special nook or corner;one that could be anywhere just a table, your window garden, anywhere you spend a lot of time and feel relaxed. All you need is a bowl filled with water, tumbled colourful stones, flower petals and floating, fragrant candles with your favourite things or hobby materials here.

Light the candles and relax. 
Make some time for yourself. Sit at this corner and gather your thoughts for a while. Light some aroma candles to suit your mood maybe lavender, sandalwood, apple-cinnamaon, orange; light incense sticks or add  a reed aroma kit if you like.
Read, paint, or meditate... here
Or just daydream! Make it a special, warm place. Hmmm  isn't the thought itself relaxing!

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